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Generation and storage
We provide a range of generation connections for solar panels and wind turbines, including energy storage. From small domestic-sized installations to large business and industrial scale generation projects.
G98 Micro-Generation and Storage Connections
Connecting generation, including energy storage at 16 amps or less per phase, for a single or multiple premises.
Engineering recommendation (EREC) G99
Engineering recommendation G99 covers the requirements for the connection of generation equipment to the distribution networks and is a legal requirement for certain generators connecting on or after 27 April 2019.
G99 Fast Track Process
Discover the process to connect small generators with Low Voltage Modules when the Intrinsic Design Capacity is 32 A or less and the Aggregate Registered Capacity for all power generating modules is 60 A or less
Connections up to 50kW
Connecting generation, including energy storage that will export up to 50kW.
Connections 50kW and above
Connecting generation, including energy storage that will export at 50kW and above.
Flexible connections
Flexible connections allow you to benefit from avoiding reinforcement costs and associated timescales for traditional network reinforcement.
ENA Distributed Generation Connection Guide:
G98 & G99 March 2024
Frequently asked questions
Connecting your energy asset or assets
See guidance for device owners and installation contractors from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy if you are registering energy devices in homes or small businesses.
Contact connections
Visit our Connections contact page for queries relating to connections, generation, disconnections and diversions.