Find an ICP in your area
There are a number of Independent Connection Providers (ICP) in our area who are National Electricity Registration Scheme (NERS) accredited.
Depending on their scope, a NERS accredited contractor can carry out work such as designing new connections to the network, digging and filling trenches on and around the property to be connected, and installing cables, electrical switches and transformers.
Other consultants and utility procurement portals can also help you find a suitable accredited contractor.
Find an ICP in our area
Download our list of ICPs operating in our area. Please note this list is not exhaustive and is updated as and when ICPs approach us.
Find an ICP using NERS list
Find an ICP using the accredited NERS registered list, managed by Lloyds. Their registered list provides an exhaustive list of all accredited ICPs working in all DNO areas.