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Connections Guide

Connections guide

Use the tool below to determine what type of connection or service alteration you require.

1 Do Electricity North West manage the network in your area?
This field is required

{[{user.SubBuilding}]}, {[{user.AddressLine1}]}, {[{user.BuildingName}]} {[{user.AddressLine2}]}, {[{AddressLine3}]}, {[{user.City}]}, {[{user.Postcode}]}

Wrong address? Re-enter it again or click below to enter your address manually.

This field is required This field has a maximum limit of 970 characters
This field is required This field has a maximum limit of 30 characters
This field is required This field has a maximum limit of 970 characters
This field is required This field has a maximum limit of 80 characters
This field has a maximum limit of 30 characters
This field is required This field has a maximum limit of 30 characters
This field is required This field has a maximum limit of 10 characters
Great, it looks like your property is on our network.
Sorry, it looks like your property is not on our network. Please contact your energy supplier to determine who operates the network in your area.