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Embedded capacity register

Embedded Capacity Register

Download Electricity North West's Embedded Capacity Register for an overview of the Distributed Energy Resource connections to our network above 50kW, along with contracted flexibility and network reinforcements.

Since July 2020, the System Wide Resource Register has been renamed as the Embedded Capacity Register (ECR) in line with the DCUSA change DCP 350. The register implements an industry agreed format which has been developed through an ENA Open Network project and has been adopted by all Distribution Network Operators. The ECR provides information to electricity network stakeholders on generation and storage resources (≥50kW) that are connected, or accepted to connect, to Electricity North West’s distribution network and is updated on a monthly basis. The register also includes information about Flexibility Services provided by connected resources, including flexible demand and network reinforcements.

To access the Embedded Capacity Register, please read and accept the disclaimer below. Please note that the terms and conditions for use of our website apply to the register and related information.

                                                   Embedded Capacity  Register Webinar