Connection agreements

Connection agreements

To enable your connection, we may ask you to enter into an agreement with us.

Adoption agreement

The master adoption agreement outlines the terms and conditions when we adopt assets that have been installed by a third party. It must be signed once by all Independent Connections Providers (ICP) before they commence any work on our network.

The bilateral adoption agreement is site specific and signed by the ICP and Developer prior to connection. The document outlines the responsibilities, liabilities and indemnities of both parties when we adopt assets installed by other parties.

The unmetered tripartite agreement is signed by the ICP and Local Authority or Asset Owner prior to connection of unmetered street electricity fixtures.

These documents are available below.


Connection agreement

A bilateral connection agreement is required when the assets will be adopted by an Independent Distribution Network Operator (IDNO), but involves an interface with our network. The bilateral connection agreement is site specific and includes the responsibilities, liabilities and indemnities of both parties under such circumstances.

The most common bilateral connection agreement interfaces are available as templates below for you to complete and submit with your Design Submission. If your connection requires a bespoke bilateral connection agreement please raise with our design team.

A standard connection agreement is required for all connections of more than 60kVA and is signed by the end user prior to connection.

A bespoke connection agreement is required for all generation connections of more than 60kVA and is signed by the end user prior to connection.

These connection agreements will be provided by us when required.


                  Bilateral Connection Agreements webinar- September 2020


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