Social wellbeing support
Social wellbeing support
Social wellbeing is the extent to which you feel a sense of belonging, social inclusion and social stability – it encompasses our lifestyles, values and beliefs. On this page we have gathered some useful and reliable sources of information.
Hub of hope
Hub of hope believes that no matter what you're going through, you shouldn't have to do it alone. Find services local to you using your geographical technology.
Conversation tips
Take a look at our guidance for managers to starting a meaningful conversations and ideas to keep it flowing.
Social health strategies
Understand the six different strategies to improve your social health.
Importance of social connections
Watch this short video on the importance of social connections when peoples circumstances change.
Happiness Calendar
Get the latest calendar packed with actions you can take to help create a happier and kinder world.
Action for happiness app
Download this free app where you can get friendly daily action 'nudges, receive inspiring messages and connect with like-minded people.
Happier living
Download this poster to find out more about the 10 Keys to Happier Living
Isolation vs Loneliness
Did you know isolation and loneliness are different. Age UK explain the differences and why it matters
Want to understand causes of loneliness and how it relates to mental health problems? Get practical tips to help manage feelings of loneliness what support is available