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The Procurement team is primarily responsible for supporting business users in the purchase of goods, services and works. We are committed to ensuring that the goods, services and works provided to Electricity North West Ltd are of a consistently high quality and are obtained at the most competitive prices.

We ensure compliance with the relevant EU Procurement legislation and deliver best value for money in line with the Annual Business Plan. We also put controls in place to prevent potential fraudulent activities and contract with, and only use, reputable suppliers and organisations.

Our systems

The two main systems in Electricity North West that assist with the procurement of good and services are Achilles, our pre-qualification system, and Medius, our e-tendering portal.

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Supply chain charter

In line with our ‘Purpose and Principles’, the purpose of our Supply Chain Charter is to set out our expectations of all partners within our supply chain. By creating powerful partnerships with our suppliers, we’re increasing the social, economic and environmental benefits that can be delivered by all organisations who play an invaluable role in supporting our Company and, in turn, delivering to the communities we serve.

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Tender Tips

Help and guidance for tendering with Electricity North West Ltd

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