Engagement hub

Engagement hub

Welcome to our engagement hub, a platform created for you to share your views and feedback with us on issues around our network, environment, customer service and bill impact. We have some huge decisions to make, fundamentally about the trade-offs between investment to improve our service and the cost of those improvements. We want to ensure that our future plans are built on your needs and that we are getting our investment and service right.

Find any open consultations below.

Our business plan 2023-2028

Learn more about our plans for the future, how we're engaging with our customers and how you can shape our plans.

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Stakeholder engagement events

Keep up to date with the latest stakeholder events.

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Past consultations

See how our stakeholders have shaped our business and the changes made following consultations.

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Open Consultations

Find out about open consultations and how you can contribute..

Technical Limits curtailment briefing BAH

As part of the accelerated connections program in collaboration with the National Energy System Operator (NESO), the industry is looking to identify and address the main challenges currently facing our connection customers and speed up connections. 


Download technical-limits-curtailment-briefing-bah.pdf

Stakeholder Satisfaction Survey

Stakeholder engagement has increased significantly over the years and is vital to how decisions are made within the business. Our stakeholder satisfaction survey is designed to understand how satisfied stakeholders are with the relationship they have with us, their engagement preferences and hear any feedback or suggestions for improvement.

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