Stakeholder engagement publications
Stakeholder engagement publications
Here are our stakeholder engagement publications.
Stakeholder Engagement Newsletters
Read the latest stakeholder engagement news from in and around our business.
Our business plan 2023-2028
Our business plan sets out our strategic direction to ensure we provide efficient services which meet the needs of our customers and stakeholders.
Stakeholder Engagement Report 2023/24
This is the first voluntary Stakeholder Engagement Report, reflecting our activities in the first year of the RIIO-ED2 price control period (2023-28) and follows the Stakeholder Engagement and Consumer Vulnerability (SECV) submissions which were a regulatory requirement in RIIO-ED1 (2015-2023).
Over the last 12 months we have continued to deliver robust stakeholder engagement. This report explains our strategic approach and goes on to provide case studies and examples of where engagement has informed business decisions and delivered tangible change.
Download stakeholder-engagement-report-23_24.pdfMajor Connections Incentive (MCI)
The Major Connections Incentive (MCI) is designed to ensure DNOs understand and meet the needs of larger connection customers by assessing overall customer satisfaction with the connections process.
The MCI seeks to drive enhancements to customer experience, reporting timeliness of key stages in the connections process and the provision of information to customers. This annual report is a key element of the MCI where we publish our performance under the MCI and describe how we are progressing against our Major Connections Strategy.
Download major-connections-annual-report-2023_24.pdfOfgem Annual Vulnerability Report 2023/24
This is the first year of the Annual Vulnerability Report (AVR) and we are proud to present our progress and performance which shows how, through our activities, we are:
• accountable for implementing our vulnerability strategy commitments
• meeting, if not exceeding, Ofgem’s vulnerability baseline expectations
• delivering tailored support services to customers in vulnerable situations
Over the last 12 months of the regulatory year we have adopted a robust strategy and made significant progress in delivering on the multifaceted commitments made in our RIIO-ED2 Business Plan and evolving our activities to meet our stakeholders needs.
Ofgem Distribution System Operation Incentive 2023/24
The purpose of the DSO Incentive is to drive licensees to more efficiently develop and use their network, taking into account flexible alternatives to network reinforcement.
Our Performance Panel Submission reports on the actions we are taking to deliver a just Net Zero transition, through a commitment to customer value-led innovation, responsiveness, and precision. Here you will find current and previous versions of Electricity North West's annual DSO Performance Panel Submission.
Regional investment booklets RIIO-ED2
Our overhead lines, underground cables and substations bring power to 5 million people in 2.4 million homes and businesses. We invest millions of pounds in the region focusing on key areas of safety, reliability, customer service and enabling net zero. These documents highlight our work across the region and aim to explain the local network and our performance in your area.
Each booklet details our intended investment in the region through RII0-ED2 which runs between 2023 and 2028. All information is correct as of July 2023.
Ofgem's Stakeholder Engagement and Consumer Vulnerability (SECV) incentive
The Ofgem SECV evidences how we as a business proactively and effectively engage with stakeholders and vulnerable customers to deliver a responsible and inclusive service. Our submission demonstrates how we engage with a variety of stakeholders and how we address the needs of our vulnerable customers across the North West. To find out more about the SECV annual submission, please click here.
Here you will find current and previous versions of Electricity North West's annual SECV submission.
Independent standards and accreditations
Independent accreditations show that organisations are committed to achieving a set standard in various fields for example environmental management or health and safety