Corporate governance
Corporate governance
Electricity North West is committed to a high level of corporate governance commensurate with its status as a public interest entity.
The Board believes effective corporate governance is the keystone to a successful and well run business that will benefit shareholders and wider stakeholders alike. With that in mind we have recently commissioned Lintstock Ltd to carry out an Independent Board Evaluation during the financial years 2017/18 and 2018/19.
The company provides a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) report each year using the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) reporting guidelines.
In November 2011 we published our Corporate Social Responsibility statement which was GRI compliant. This can be found here.
Reporting against the GRI framework and indicators allows third parties to compare our performance and commitment with other national and international organisations. The GRI Report considers company performance in three key areas, namely Economic Performance, Environmental Performance and Social Performance. We will continue to report against the GRI framework going forward.