The aim of this project is to support the Green Recovery by targeting investment in networks where there is expected to be significant green activity in the next year or two. Projects which are not able to meet the timeline in this CfE will not miss out, with the opportunity to submit their evidence to DNOs for inclusion in the RIIO-ED2 business plans, which will be submitted to Ofgem and cover investment in the networks over the period 2023-2028.
Green recovery project FAQs
Green recovery project frequently asked questions
The below list of FAQs has been compiled by ENA. Please do not hesitate to contact us directly by emailing if you have any further questions.
The process for selecting sites is discussed in the section below. This Call for Evidence is part of the overall network planning for DNOs, and will allow further evidence to be collected from stakeholders to further justify investment in that area of the network.
Selecting Specific Green Recovery Network Areas and Projects
DNOs have identified a long list of areas of network for potential investment under this scheme, and full details of these can be seen in Section 4 below. Selection of these sites has been based on our best knowledge of existing local plans, connection applications, our Long Term Development Statements (LTDS) and forecasts (DFES) – see Table 2 below for more detail of the types of key factors DNOs will be considering.
The purpose of this call for evidence is twofold:
- To gather evidence from stakeholders to support / validate the case for Green Recovery investments in these specific areas.
- To gather evidence for any sites not on this list which might also meet the objectives of this scheme.
Whilst the strategic investment areas detailed above can potentially cover all geographic areas of a DNO, prioritising the areas that are least regrets, deliverable by DNOs within RIIO-ED1, as well as supporting projects that are quickly deliverable is essential. Further development and investment across the entire DNO regions will be delivered in RIIO2, and DNOs are currently in the process of engaging with stakeholders to develop their RIIO2 Business Plans. In many cases the assessment of certain sites will include elements which are not within the control of, or unknown to, the DNO, and therefore this Call for Evidence allows further evidence to be collected from stakeholders to further justify investment in that area of the network. If there is a region or regions which stakeholders believe we have missed, we have left space in the questionnaire for this to be raised.
As discussed above, the schemes that come forward will be very useful in assisting DNOs with their overall network planning. Some factors that could inform the assessment of areas for network investment are set out in Table 2 below. Weight will be given to locations that would support development where well-developed and well-evidenced Local Area Energy Plans (LAEPs), or equivalent[1], show a specific need. Any offers of co-investment or in-kind contributions (such as land for infrastructure or cable routes) will make a site more attractive on the basis of deliverability and value for money. More generally, joint funding is likely to associated with a more holistic solution to an area.
Local support is key for projects. Evidence from projects which have been developed by Community Energy Groups and can demonstrate to us a level of local support can strengthen applications and show a desire to support Net Zero developments in a geographical area are particularly encouraged.
[1] For example, Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategies (LHEES) in Scotland
The process for selecting sites is discussed in the section below. We are looking for shovel-ready projects that will support the Green Recovery and address key Government policies such as net zero and the decarbonisation of transportation.
Selecting Specific Green Recovery Network Areas and Projects
DNOs have identified a long list of areas of network for potential investment under this scheme, and full details of these can be seen in Section 4 below. Selection of these sites has been based on our best knowledge of existing local plans, connection applications, our Long Term Development Statements (LTDS) and forecasts (DFES) – see Table 2 below for more detail of the types of key factors DNOs will be considering.
The purpose of this call for evidence is twofold:
- To gather evidence from stakeholders to support / validate the case for Green Recovery investments in these specific areas.
- To gather evidence for any sites not on this list which might also meet the objectives of this scheme.
Whilst the strategic investment areas detailed above can potentially cover all geographic areas of a DNO, prioritising the areas that are least regrets, deliverable by DNOs within RIIO-ED1, as well as supporting projects that are quickly deliverable is essential. Further development and investment across the entire DNO regions will be delivered in RIIO2, and DNOs are currently in the process of engaging with stakeholders to develop their RIIO2 Business Plans. In many cases the assessment of certain sites will include elements which are not within the control of, or unknown to, the DNO, and therefore this Call for Evidence allows further evidence to be collected from stakeholders to further justify investment in that area of the network. If there is a region or regions which stakeholders believe we have missed, we have left space in the questionnaire for this to be raised.
As discussed above, the schemes that come forward will be very useful in assisting DNOs with their overall network planning. Some factors that could inform the assessment of areas for network investment are set out in Table 2 below. Weight will be given to locations that would support development where well-developed and well-evidenced Local Area Energy Plans (LAEPs), or equivalent[1], show a specific need. Any offers of co-investment or in-kind contributions (such as land for infrastructure or cable routes) will make a site more attractive on the basis of deliverability and value for money. More generally, joint funding is likely to associated with a more holistic solution to an area.
Local support is key for projects. Evidence from projects which have been developed by Community Energy Groups and can demonstrate to us a level of local support can strengthen applications and show a desire to support Net Zero developments in a geographical area are particularly encouraged.
[1] For example, Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategies (LHEES) in Scotland
No – this funding is aimed at new projects that are struggling to be justified due to network infrastructure costs, rather than those that can or have already been paid for.
No – this funding is aimed at new projects that are struggling to be justified due to network infrastructure costs, rather than those that can or have already been paid for.
All DNOs are available for a bilateral discussion on potential projects, to help with decision making as to the best point of connection to the network. Please approach the relevant DNO accordingly.
You can contact us by emailing
The funding that Ofgem will make available to networks will be used to invest in the networks. This reinforcement will be targeted in areas with significant green activity, and can be thought of as strengthening the networks and/or bringing the network closer to 3rd party (green) projects, which in turn will reduce the cost of connection for those projects. The funding will not cover the costs of the 3rd party project/equipment, nor the sole-use connection assets.
Not necessarily – it is not compulsory to have Land Rights and/or Planning Permission fully agreed by the time this CfE closes. However, the more information and evidence that you can provide to us the better. If this information exists, it will further evidence the fact that your scheme is shovel-ready or can be quickly deployed, which is one of the key aims of this Green Recovery scheme.
No – there is no end-date requirement for stakeholder schemes, however we are looking for committed stakeholders who have shovel-ready schemes that can be quickly deployed to support the Green Recovery. The intention is that the majority of the network investment is completely by the end of ED1 though.