Joint operation cracks down on electricity tampering in Salford

Joint operation cracks down on electricity tampering in Salford

Business owners had their electricity switched off for illegal meter tampering during a multi-agency operation to crack down on energy theft in Salford recently.

Engineer walking towards an ENW van

The joint operation was organised by Salford City Council, Greater Manchester Police, Environmental Health and UK Border Agency, along with two inspectors from Electricity North West, the region’s power network operator. 

On 14th September six commercial properties were investigated by officers, of which three were disconnected for energy theft. It was estimated that for these three properties over 140,000 units of electricity worth approximately £21,000 had been stolen. 

Karen Ainsworth, revenue protection manager for Electricity North West, said: “The joint operation was a huge success and it should act as a warning to other businesses and residents who have tampered with their electricity. 

“We take meter tampering very seriously and electricity theft is a criminal offence and puts the safety of tenants, businesses and the general public at great risk. 

“We will continue to crack down on energy theft as the safety of our customers and our network is paramount. It is also unacceptable that honest bill-paying residents across the North West are effectively having to pay for others to have free electricity.” 

Councillor David Lancaster, lead member for environment and community safety for Salford City Council, said: “Joint operations like this are all about checking the safety of staff and anyone who lives above the shop because tampering with electricity meters is a serious risk. 

“It’s also about making sure any other illegal behaviour is found and dealt with. Staff from our environmental health and trading standards teams joined in the operation investigations are continuing into other potential offences.” 

If anyone spots energy theft anywhere report it anonymously by calling the new national Stay Energy Safe line on 0800 023 2777 or go to 

To report any issues with your power call Electricity North West 24/7 on 0800 195 4141 or the new national number 105 or follow @
ElectricityNW on Twitter. 

The joint operation was a huge success and it should act as a warning to other businesses and residents who have tampered with their electricity.

Karen Ainsworth, Revenue Protection Manager for Electricity North West