Electricity engineers working to protect power supplies in Whaley Bridge and surrounding area

Electricity engineers working to protect power supplies in Whaley Bridge and surrounding area

Engineers at the region’s power network operator, Electricity North West, are working to protect power supplies during the ongoing emergency at Whaley Bridge.

As water is being pumped out of Toddbrook Reservoir, engineers are on site at electricity substations near the River Goyt in New Mills, Disley, Marple Bridge and as far as Stockport to assess the risk of flooding and ensure the safety of equipment in the area. Electricity North West flood cube

Special equipment that Electricity North West stores in ‘flood cubes’ at strategic locations throughout the North West are being delivered to sites in the area to help protect the substations.

Electricity North West Operations Director, Clive Wilkinson, said: “We’re working really closely with all other agencies through coordinated calls to continually assess the risk in this fast-moving situation. 

“If flooding of substations is looking likely then power will be have to be removed for safety reasons. We will continue to keep everyone informed of the situation as part of this coordinated multi-agency response.” 

It is possible that power cuts could affect a much wider area than flooded areas and Electricity North West has offered the following advice for anyone whose power may be at risk:

  • If there is a power cut first check your trip switches to see if it is an internal power cut, which may be unrelated to this incident.
  • If you can’t find a reason for your electricity to be off, or notice that neighbours or streetlights are also off, then call our 24-hour emergency line for free on 105.
  • Keep a battery-operated torch handy.
  • Charge any power packs you might have in advance.
  • If you are a in a vulnerable situation or rely on electricity for medical reasons please call Electricity North West on 105 and register as a priority customer (more information at www.enwl.co.uk/priority).
  • If you use a stair lift check if it can work without electricity.
  • Leave your fridge and freezer doors closed–chilled products should remain safe for a number of hours.
  • Follow @ElectricityNW on Twitter or visit www.facebook.com/ElectricityNorthWest for official updates and more tips.