SDG Targets
1.1 - Eradicate extreme poverty
1.2 - Reduce poverty by at least
1.3 - Equal rights to ownership, basic services, technology and economic resources
Responisble business commitment
Customer - Treating all customers fairly and supporting customers in vulnerable circumstances
- Our Take Charge campaign supports customers who may be at risk of fuel poverty and with a transition to low carbon technologies. We aim to
- help customers get expert, tailored advice to help them take charge of their household bills and energy costs. It could help customers save over £300 a year on their energy bills.
- Our Extra Care Service ensures vulnerable customers have the extra support and help during a power cut or incident.
- We are supporting our customers to ensure no one is left behind in the transition to a greener future.
- We achieved Vulnerability Inclusive Service accreditation BS ISO 22458 for inclusive service and are now one of the only distribution network operators to have achieved it in the first year of ED2.
- Read more about our efforts against these targets in our annual vulnerability report.