Flooding advice
Before a flood
If you live in a flood prone area, check that your meter is above the level of previous floods. If your meter isn't you may need to move your meter. To discover the process for moving your electricity meter to another location click here. You may also wish to consider raising your sockets and any private electrician can do this for you.
You may want to prepare a flood kit of essential items:
- Insurance documents
- A torch and battery/wind up radio
- First aid kit
- Bottled water
- Warm clothing and blankets
- Non perishable foods
During the flood
- Make sure any appliances or electrical equipment is switched off.
- Turn off your supply by the isolator switch but only if it's safe to do so.
- Do not touch any electricity points when standing in water.
- Check any elderly or sick neighbours or relatives to make sure they are safe.
- Your electricity meter is provided by your electricity supplier and you may need to contact them to fix your electricity meter if that has been flood damaged.
- For advice about your gas supply, please visit Flood advice - Cadent Gas Ltd
Tune in to your local radio for updates or call Floodline on 0845 988 1188. You can also look out for live updates on twitter: @EnvAgencyNW / @MetofficeNWEng / @ElectricityNW.
After the flood
- Do not touch any electricity points when standing in water.
- If your supply is still on or has been underwater but is now back on we recommend you contact a qualified electrician.
- If your meter point has been underwater or still have no electricity please contact us on 105 or report a power cut for us to do a safety check.
- If you can smell smoke or you are in any doubt contact a qualified electrician or contact us on 105 or use our form to report an electrical fault.
Additional flooding advice
Are you looking for more flooding advice? Polygon has a flooding advice guide, just click the button to go to the guide.