To raise a complaint you can email our complaints team directly or if you would prefer you can write to us at this address; Customer Relations, Electricity North West, Hartington Road, Preston, Lancashire PR1 8AF
You can also raise your complaint using any of the methods on our contact us page.
You will be allocated a case owner who will look after your complaint. They will personally complete a full investigation and where possible resolve the complaint within 24 hours.
If you do not feel that your complaint was resolved then you can request this to be reviewed by a case supervisor, once reviewed we will provide you with a response within 10 working days.
If we cannot agree a final outcome with you after 8 weeks or we have not been able to fully resolve your complaint then we have then reached 'deadlock'. At this stage you can take your complaint to the energy ombudsman.
The Energy Ombudsman
The Energy Ombudsman offers a free and independent service between customers and their electricity distribution company when a complaint resolution cannot be reached either within 8 weeks or when a deadlock letter has been issued.
If you are a domestic customer, which means you are supplied or are requiring to be supplied with electricity at domestic premises. Or if you are a micro business customer, which means you meet the following criteria: Annual consumption is less than 100,00kWh, you have fewer than 10 employees and your annual turnover does not exceed around £1.7 million.