Boating safety and electricity

Boating safety and electricity

If you are a sailor or own a boat, you always need to be aware of overhead power lines which could cause serious injury.

Tall masts 

Before rigging or moving a boat with a tall mast:

  • always look up and around you
  • check the route you are about to take
  • stay away from overhead power lines
  • do not attempt to judge the height of lines.

Overhead lines are located in boat clubs as well as on the road in car parks, drives and outside your home. Download our leaflet about leisure safety:


Download boating-safety-guide.pdf


Electricity poles and pylons are usually fitted with yellow 'Danger of Death' notices.

A known boating venue will display warning signs and barriers (goal posts) near any lines that cross areas where boats are expected to pass or to be rigged.

Occasionally signs are knocked over, so always check line locations and stay well clear.

If in doubt, stop

If there's a line near to where you are rigging, assume it is a live wire.

If you are ever in doubt about a line, contact the site owner or electricity company.

Read the Energy Networks Association safety information leaflet for sailors