Safety and security of supplies enquiry service

Safety and Security of Supplies Enquiry Service

It describes the enquiry service available to any person for the purposes of receiving reports and offering information, guidance or advice about any matter or incident that does, or is likely to:

  • cause danger or require urgent attention in relation to the operation of Electricity North West Limited’s electricity distribution system; or
  • affect the maintenance or the security, availability and quality of service of Electricity North West Limited’s electricity distribution system.

In accordance with paragraph 8.1 of standard condition 8 of its electricity distribution licence, Electricity North West Limited provides for the operation of an enquiry service which is continuously staffed and can be contacted by any person 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

Reports should, wherever possible, be made by telephone on 0800 195 4141 or 105

  • All calls to this number are free of charge. This number is published on bills or statements in respect of charges for the supply of electricity and in relevant local telephone directories under “Electricity”. Calls are monitored to ensure customers are receiving a prompt and efficient service.
  • In the case of more widespread emergencies, automatic answering facilities may be used to keep customers up to date with developments.
  • Where there is no possibility of any danger arising, reports of a non-urgent nature may be made by post. Such reports should be sent to the Contact Centre Manager at:

Electricity North West Limited

Borron Street



All reports and enquiries received in accordance with this statement will be processed in a prompt and efficient manner, and in accordance with any relevant guaranteed standards of service set from time to time by the Gas and Electricity Markets Authority, whether made by telephone, in writing or in person.

If any licensed electricity supplier elects to provide its customers with an address and telephone number which differ from those stated above for the reporting of such matters, that supplier is responsible for ensuring that full details of all reports are passed promptly to Electricity North West. Standards of service provided will be measured from the time at which reports are received by Electricity North West Limited.

In addition to receiving reports concerning the electricity distribution system, the service may be used by any person to enquire about the likely extent or duration of supply emergencies. Every effort will be made to provide precise and up-to-date information. However, if such emergencies are widespread this may not be possible and callers may be referred to other sources, including local radio, for periodic updates.

Enquiry service staff are trained to provide non-technical advice for the avoidance of danger from the electricity distribution system and from loss of supply. They have the necessary skills in communication and customer contact but may be assisted by other non-technical staff during widespread emergencies. If technical advice or assistance is required, the enquiry will be passed to an appropriate specialist.

Electricity North West Limited will deal with all reports and enquiries strictly on their merits and will not discriminate in the provision of the service or use the contact to promote any supplier.

The reporting arrangements set out above are made available to other utilities, local authorities and the emergency services. Appropriate liaison arrangements with these and other representative bodies are in place and are reviewed annually to ensure effective communications are maintained.

Electricity North West Limited will, as soon as is practicable (but in any event before a change becomes effective), take steps to inform each of its customers, and each Authorised Electricity Operator which uses the service, of any change to the address or telephone number of the service established in accordance with the above prior to such change becoming effective.

A copy of this statement will be provided free of charge to any person requesting one. Requests can be made by calling our General Enquiries line on 0800 195 4141.

Should this statement be required in Braille, large print or a different language, or on audiotape or CD, please call 0800 195 4141.