Our future business plan
We own, operate and manage the electricity network from Cumbria to Greater Manchester. Around £90 a year from a typical household electricity bill comes to us to invest in the network to make it more reliable, affordable and good for the environment.
Ofgem, the energy sector regulator, oversees and agrees what we can charge you for the services we provide and how much of your electricity bill should come to us to look after the electricity network. They decide on rules that we work to within ‘price review periods’.
The process called a price control review has started developing the rules that will set what you pay us from April 2023. The current amount you pay us for delivering electricity to your homes and businesses is 24p per day. The rules called for the next price control period (called RIIO-ED2) are being developed by Ofgem, the energy sector regulator. For further information, please see our RIIO ED2 Regulation pages.
We’re busy working with customers and stakeholders to develop our business plan for the next price review period starting in 2023. Find out more about how we’re developing our business plan, our engagement approach and how you can get involved in the conversation.
Working together with you
We are working together with our customers and stakeholders to develop our ED2 business plans. We are starting with a blank piece of paper, and through our extensive engagement, creating the commitments and investments we will deliver in future, based on priorities and preferences you give us. We're inviting you to join our conversations on our online community and provide vital insights and feedback to shape our plans. Join our community here.
November 2019 to February 2020
A study of the realities of our customers’ day to day - what matters to them, who they are, issues and priorities.
March to May 2020
Sharing and discussing the day to day impact of the changing nature of energy production supply and use. Using this to identify detailed ‘wants and needs’.
June to September 2020
Evaluating our ideas and plan to make sure they are right with a focus on understanding trade-offs, investment priorities, willingness to pay and ambition for the future.