Digitalisation strategy

Digitalisation strategy and action plan

Our digitalisation strategy sets out how we use technology and data to improve customer service, business resilience and business efficiency.

Technology, information and data are becoming increasingly important at Electricity North West as we strive to improve efficiency, drive innovation, increase transparency and support the transition to net zero.

Our digitalisation strategy is a key component of our business plan for 2023 – 2028. It sets out how information technology will help us achieve our goals and how we will use digital products and services to meet the needs of our customers and other stakeholders.

The strategy is complemented by a six-monthly digitalisation action plan that describes our progress and sets out how we will transform and automate business processes creating additional value for customers and stakeholders.

You can download our latest strategy and action plan below.

Digital services catalogue

Find out about the digital services we offer from flexible services to finding a job at Electricity North West.

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