Case studies
Flexible services case studies
It is sometimes hard to conceptualise what the various types of Flexible Services look like. Below you will find potential scenarios demonstrating how Flexibility Providers can make temporary changes to the way they consume, generate, or store electricity when requested by the Distribution Network Operator (DNO). This helps to balance supply and demand on the electricity network to alleviate constraints, ensuring a safe and reliable supply of energy.
Demand turn-down (OUVA)
A supermarket is looking to provide Flexible Services through an Operational Utilisation & Variable Availability contract by reducing their energy usage at peak times.
Generation turn-up (OUVA)
A dairy farmer is looking to provide Flexible Services through an Operational Utilisation & Variable Availability (OUVA) contract by increasing their generation following a fault or unplanned network event.
Energy efficiency (peak reduction)
A warehouse is looking to provide Flexible Services through a Peak Reduction contract by reducing their long term energy demand.
Homeowner (peak reduction via aggregator)
A homeowner is looking to participate in the Flexible Services market (via an aggregator) through a Peak Reduction contract by reducing their electricity demand during peak hours, providing additional capacity to help manage network constraints.
Demand turn-up/down & generation Turn-up
A University who has energy storage assets and a diesel generator on their site is looking to provide Flexible Services through an Operational Utilisation contract during peak times or unplanned outages/faults.