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EoI March 2018

Expression of interest March 2018

This expression of interest is now closed, but you can still view the requirements and results here.

In March 2018, we published our first expression of interest for flexible services for seven locations across the North West:

  • Alston, Cumbria
  • Blackfriars, Manchester
  • Cheetham Hill, Manchester
  • Coniston, Cumbria
  • Easton, Cumbria
  • Stuart Street, Manchester
  • Nelson, East Lancashire 

The expression of interest was subsequently followed by a request for proposal in July 2018. Nelson was not included in this request for proposal after further investigations indicated that there was no capacity issue arising over the near term.   Unfortunately there were insufficient flexible services available for the requested sites. This means that the amount of flexibility proposed by participants did not meet the minimum amount of capacity required either individually or combined and consequently we are unable to commence award of a flexible service contract to any participants.

The forecasted demand at Blackfriars, Cheetham Hill and Stuart Street is set to exceed firm capacity prior to the end of RIIO-ED1 (the current regulatory price control period) and therefore we must progress with the reinforcement of these sites.

The demand growth at Alston, Coniston and Easton is minimal, therefore we will continue to publicise our requirements for flexible services in these areas and include them in future requests for proposals. The demand at these sites will be reviewed annually to ensure that we maintain security of supply, and may be progressed for reinforcement should this be compromised.

If you are still interested in providing flexible services to us, would like to discuss your proposal individually, or have any questions, please contact us at flexible.contracts@enwl.co.uk.  

If you would like to be notified whenever we publish a flexible service requirement, sign up to our distribution list here.

