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What is BiTraDER?

What is BiTraDER?

This £8.4m project will design and trial options for the introduction of a bilateral trading market through which large connected customers can trade their contracted curtailment obligation.

BiTraDER is a new innovation project that aims to give customers more choice in managing their capacity and network obligations through the development of a peer-to-peer trading platform.

The innovative project will investigate and trial – live on our electricity network – new opportunities for connected customers to trade between themselves, avoiding curtailment and generating additional revenue. The pilot scheme is a first in the UK to test bilateral trading on a live network setting and aims to encourage greater participation in flexibility services and uptake of renewable energy resources.

We are looking for customers to help develop the solution and be part of our trials, shaping the market for the future.

For more information, please see the documents below.

BiTraDER project overview

An introduction to the project and overview of what it aims to achieve. 

Download PDF

BiTraDER customer journey

An explanation of how BiTraDER will work and how it can help customers, and an outline of the project phases.

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