Celsius customer engagement
Celsius customer engagement
Our customer surveys assessed any impact of the retrofit cooling technologies on our customers. The surveys showed that 89% of customers in the trial areas found the implementation of Celsius cooling technologies acceptable, whereas only 62% reported that they were likely to find traditional reinforcement acceptable.
Our research also looked at how customers were impacted by different technologies, environments and customer groups.
Key outputs from the customer workstream can be found below.
Celsius customer engagement plan
Sets out how we will engage with customers during the project to assess any impact of the Celsius cooling techniques.
Celsius data privacy statement
How we will manage customers' personal data during the Celsius project and how we comply with the Data Protection Act 1998.
Celsius customer leaflet
Leaflet aimed at helping our customers understand the need for and benefits of Celsius.
Celsius customer focus group discussion guide
Discussion guide and showcard materials used as part of the Celsius customer focus groups held in July 2017.
Celsius customer focus groups lessons learned
Results and learning associated with testing Celsius communication materials, to be used as part of the customer survey.
Customer survey report
This report references the key findings from three phases of engagement carried out to quantify the acceptability to customers of the Celsius retrofit cooling techniques.