Celsius trials and analysis
Celsius trials and analysis
The Celsius trials consisted of two stages:
- Stage one: Thermal monitoring at 520 distribution substations
- Stage two: Retrofit cooling technologies at 100 of the trial sites.
Key outputs from the trials and analysis workstream can be found below.
Thermal flow study 1
Report from the National Physical Laboratory which analyses the heat and air flows in substations.
Asset temperature behaviour report
Analysis of the findings from Stage 1 of the Celsius trials which aims to develop a detailed understanding of the operating temperature of assets.
Asset health study
A review of the asset health implications of deploying Celsius techniques on the Electricity North West network.
Thermal ratings tool introduction
Introduction to the thermal ratings tool which uses monitoring data to evaluate site capacity at Celsius substations.
BAU monitoring solution specification
Specification and requirements of a business as usual monitoring solution which will allow more informed transformer ratings to be estimated.
Cost benefit analysis and buy order
Cost benefit analysis and buy order for the Celsius techniques developed during the project, and recommended for business as usual.
Carbon impact assessment
Report on the carbon impact of Celsius techniques compared to traditional interventions.
Enhanced thermal ratings tool
Thermal ratings tool enhanced with data and analysis from the monitoring and cooling trials.