Respond partners

Respond partners

Throughout the Respond project we worked with a number of partners and key suppliers who are leading experts in their fields, either in research, technology or customer engagement.

The partners who worked on the project were ABB, The Association for Decentralised Energy, ENER-G, Impact Research, Kelvatek, Schneider Electric, United Utilities and WSP.


ABB is a global engineering organisation specialising in power and automation technologies.

Role on project

ABB supplied, installed and commissioned the Is-limiter. They also provided ongoing support on protection settings and post-fault analysis for two Is-limiter installations and five sensing units.

The Association for Decentralised Energy (ADE)

The ADE plays a pivotal role in providing the focus for combined heat and power and district heating initiatives and is a trusted point of reference for government as a respected lobbying voice.

Role on project

The ADE’s role on the Respond project was to help develop and deliver our customer survey and to support project partner Impact Research in identifying potential participants for fault current limiting (FCL) services.


ENER-G is a combined heat and power (CHP) manufacturer, owner and operator with active participation in trade industry bodies in an advisory capacity.

Role on project

ENER-G helped develop our customer survey and worked with WSP and ourselves to test adaptive protection on combined heat and power (CHP). They also devised installation procedure/guidance notes for future CHP providers of FCL services.

Impact Research

Impact Research is a leading marketing and research organisation with extensive experience in customer engagement activities in the UK utilities industry. The company has successfully delivered research for a number of Low Carbon Network Fund projects.

Role on project

Impact provided customer engagement and survey activities. Throughout the project the Impact team produced reports on customer experience of Respond and provided learning and dissemination support.


Kelvatek is the UK leader in low voltage (LV) switching, automation and fault management technology. The Kelvatek team has an exceptional record of bringing innovative product solutions to the power industry through a robust research and development pipeline, combined with unique LV high current test facilities.

Role on project

Kelvatek supplied monitoring equipment for asset health evaluation for the Respond project.

Schneider Electric

Schneider Electric is a European multinational corporation specialising in electricity distribution and automation management.

Role on project

Schneider’s role on the Respond project was to supply, install, test and commission the fault level assessment tool. They also provided ongoing support for the fault level assessment tool during the project.

United Utilities

United Utilities is the water and wastewater service company for the North West of England. They operate large electrical machines (that increase the fault current on the network) to deliver their services.

Role on project

United Utilities helped to develop the customer survey to establish interest in FCL services.


WSP is a technical consultancy organisation with experience is all aspects of power generation, transmission and distribution.

Role on project

WSP delivered revised protection settings, validation of fault level assessment tool software, post-fault analysis for Respond techniques and system design and protection policy updates. They also created business as usual rollout requirements for ourselves and other network operators across Great Britain.