Smart Street customer engagement
Smart Street customer engagement
Understanding whether customers were affected by the trials was crucial to the viability of the Smart Street solution.
Before the technology installation began, we launched a campaign to inform customers in the trial areas about the project. A customer focus group helped decide the best way to communicate information to the 67,000 customers served by the trial circuits. We then issued an information leaflet to customers and subsequently contacted around 1,500 customers who live close to any new equipment installed as part of the project.
We also committed to contact vulnerable customers on our Priority Services Register, by telephone and by our normal written procedures, if their home would be affected by unavoidable planned outages to install equipment. This proactive approach was designed to manage the specific needs of individual customers. However, because of the careful design of the installation programme, we were able to install all technologies without any need to interrupt customers’ supplies.
In the latter stages of the campaign, we held a series of focus groups to collect qualitative information from customers to understand whether they observed any changes in their electricity supply as a result of the trials. All the customers who took part in our focus groups confirmed that they didn't notice any changes.
Our findings from the customer engagement workstream can be found below.
Customer engagement plan
How we will engage with customers to understand any impact of the Smart Street technology.
Data privacy statement
How we will manage customers' personal data during the project to comply with the Data Protection Act.
Trial customer leaflet
A leaflet explaining the Smart Street project, sent to customers affected by the trials in October 2014.
ECP lessons learned
Research with an engaged customer panel undertaken to help formulate an effective awareness campaign.
Technology installation letter
Letter issued to around 1500 customers who live nearby new equipment installed as part of Smart Street.
Customer leaflet survey
Small-scale quantitative research undertaken to assess the effectiveness of the customer leaflet.
First ECP interim report
First phase of research with engaged customer panels to held develop effective communications.
Second ECP interim report
Findings from engaged customer panels held in early 2017 to ascertain customer reactions to Smart Street.
Final ECP report
Final report on findings from engaged customer panels held at the end of the Smart Street trials.