Innovation Funding Incentive
Innovation Funding Incentive
Projects funded under Ofgem's Innovation Funding Incentive (IFI) scheme.
The Innovation Funding Incentive (IFI) was introduced as part of the electricity distribution price control for 2005-2010. It was created to encourage distribution network operators to build research and development portfolios and enhance the technical development of distribution networks.
The IFI was replaced by the Network Innovation Allowance in 2015. Find out more about how our innovation projects are funded.
Oil Regeneration
This project investigated transformer oil regeneration as an alternative transformer management option. The technique offered the greatest opportunity to improve the transformer’s health index and thereby extended the operational life of the transformer.
Load Allocation
Load Allocation produced a software tool which takes in data from many sources to estimate loadings on HV circuits and distribution transformers every half hour. This feeds into an ‘automatic restoration system’ to reconfigure the network after a fault.
Next Generation LV Board Design
This project developed two products for use on the low voltage (LV) system – the LV circuit breaker and the LV link box switch. Using these products allows better control of the LV network.
Fault Support Centre
The Fault Support Centre (FSC), operated in conjunction with our technology partner Kelvatek, helps us find and repair faults before customers are affected.
The FSC gathers data from around 600 smart devices installed on the LV network, enabling us to detect and repair temporary or ‘transient’ faults before they become permanent and prevent customer interruptions.
Experienced Kelvatek analysts use the data to identify where to use fault sniffers (devices that smell gases generated from cable faults) and find faults faster.
Changing Standards
Changing Standards was the first large scale piece of customer research to measure the power quality levels at which customers express dissatisfaction with their electricity supply.
The project explored power quality perception and whether customers are sensitive to their electricity supply exceeding or approaching statutory voltage limits. The research compared satisfaction with service among customers occasionally exposed to minor exceedances, and a control group of customers supplied consistently within the limits.
IFI project documents
For more information on our IFI projects, please see our innovation strategy or contact us.