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ENWL032 - LIV Segmentation

ENWL032 - Needs Based Segmentation of Low Income Vulnerable (LIV) Customers

A needs-based segmentation of LIV customers will explore how best to classify LIV customers and identify their energy needs. The aim of the project is to provide Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) and Gas Distribution Networks (GDNs) with a better understanding to enable development of more efficient, targeted services that will help to deliver lower cost to service, higher social return on investments and a readiness for future vulnerabilities and changing energy markets. Energy is an essential service that affects customers’ comfort and health, so it is imperative to ensure that the needs of all customers are met and that the most vulnerable are adequately protected for the future market. This project will be delivered in conjunction with Impact Research and Energy Systems Catapult.

Timescales: September 2022 - May 2023

Project documents