Introducing REWIRE

REWIRE will develop innovative domestic level multi-energy systems that exploit cross-vector technologies to provide flexible demand profiles, thereby alleviating network constraints, maintaining security of supply and improving overall energy system resilience.

REWIRE was awarded funding through Ofgem's Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF) Round 2 Discovery Phase.

Watch our 60-second project summary video here.

Electricity North West began delivery of this project in April 2023 alongside partner Imperial College London and sub-contractor Frazer-Nash Consultancy

REWIRE aims to improve energy system resilience through its development of innovative domestic level multi-energy systems. By exploiting the cross-vector storage capability of gas-to-power and power-to-gas technologies, properties equipped with REWIRE systems will provide flexible demand profiles to alleviate network constraints and maintain security of supply. This Discovery phase project will explore the technical viability and economic benefits of these domestic level multi-energy systems, which will be specified, designed, prototyped and deployed in the Alpha and Beta phases.

REWIRE's innovation lies in the use of multi-energy systems at the domestic scale, rather than the larger-scale versions previously envisaged. Using a domestic scale solution will necessitate innovative combinations of technologies, and innovative management and operation of the distributed system. This innovative solution provides potential benefits around the speed and flexibility of energy system response, alongside the ability to provide benefit to distribution networks on a granular scale.

This project came to a close in June 2023 and all project learning can be found below.

REWIRE Discovery project

More information about the REWIRE Discovery phase project.

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