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Heatmap tool

Heatmap tool

Before making a connection application take a look at our heatmap tool for information about available capacity on our network.

Our heatmap tool

At Electricity North West we are committed to improving the experience of our customers. As part of this commitment we have developed our heatmap tool. This tool enables developers to assess the level of capacity that might be available for new connections to our network. Our heatmap tool takes the form of an excel work book and contains capacity information on all of our primary substations and bulk supply points. It provides an interface that enables the easy identification of network constraints in the vicinity of your site. The tool is available from the downloads section at the end of this page. In order to improve the user experience we now also provide an interactive map interface that can be accessed below.

We envisage that the tool will be used to inform initial discussion between ourselves and our customers. Although we have taken steps to ensure the accuracy of the heatmap tool, it cannot replicate the level of accuracy provided by the detailed assessment carried out as part of the formal application process. As such, we advise that customers enter into dialog with us before submitting a formal application. Similarly, if the heatmap tool indicates that there is insufficient capacity to accommodate your development please contact us to discuss the next steps. We will always work with customers to find solutions to network constraints, including the deployment of smart technology.



The information contained in the Heatmap Tool is provided for the sole purpose of allowing existing and potential customers to assess the capabilities of the electricity network and opportunities for changes in their use of the network or for connecting to it.

While all reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information, Electricity North West Ltd will accept not liability for any loss of range caused by the information not being accurate. Actual changes in supply capacity for existing customers or new connections are subject to detailed assessment and approval by Electricity North West Ltd and by the payment of appropriate charges.

The information contained within the Heatmap Tool is the Copyright of Electricity North West Ltd, All Rights Reserved.
