Questions After Map

More information about getting connected


Our online connections portal is not designed for use on a mobile device. We recommend using a desktop for this service but if it's more convenient for you to use a mobile or tablet please change your internet setting to a desktop view, then turn your phone horizontally before continuing which will help your view.

Step {[{step}]} of 4

  1. Step 1 Configure your options - Active
  2. Step 2 Save your application - Active
  3. Step 3 Additional information - Active
  4. Step 4 Generate your estimate - Active

Are you sure you want to remove the connection?

Please confirm your full site address

Important: please check carefully, if you enter an address different to the plot you've specified your estimate will be invalid.

Who would you like to do the digging in your land?

It is important that you upload any documents here so we can provide an accurate quote for your works. These could be site layout and location plans, letter of authority, load breakdowns, or other documentation. For a new build property, please attach copies of your architect's drawings and address confirmation from your local authority. If available, provide us with any existing MPAN's (meter point administration number), this can be found on your electricity bill.