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Register or update your details

Register or update your details for extra care

If you are already registered and you want to notify us about a change, please provide full details below and we will update our records. By completing and submitting this Extra Care registration form you are providing Electricity North West with your consent to use your personal data to include you on Electricity North West’s Extra Care Register (ECR) as part of our priority services and to process your personal data for the purposes of operating the ECR, including providing you with support should you experience a loss of electricity supply. To see full details of our privacy policy, just go to the bottom of this form and click on ‘privacy policy’.

The fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

This field is required
This field is required This field has a maximum limit of 15 characters
This field is required This field has a maximum limit of 15 characters
This field is required Mobile numbers should be between 11 and 25 digits long
Landline numbers should be 11 digits long
This field is required This is not a valid email address (e.g. johnsmith@domain.com) This field has a maximum limit of 100 characters
This field is required

{[{user.SubBuilding}]}, {[{user.AddressLine1}]}, {[{user.BuildingName}]} {[{user.AddressLine2}]}, {[{user.AddressLine3}]}, {[{user.City}]}, {[{user.Postcode}]}

Wrong address? Re-enter it again or click below to enter your address manually.

This field is required This field has a maximum limit of 970 characters
This field is required This field has a maximum limit of 30 characters
This field is required This field has a maximum limit of 970 characters
This field is required This field has a maximum limit of 80 characters
This field has a maximum limit of 30 characters
This field is required This field has a maximum limit of 30 characters
This field is required This field has a maximum limit of 10 characters
Postcode is not within the Electricity North West area

Contact preference

Contact methods
This field is required
Chronic / serious illness
Medically dependent
Poor mobility
Age related
Communication difficulties
Mental health
This field is required
This field is required
I can confirm that all of the information that I have given you is correct.
This field is required
This field is required