Checks for if you are without power

Checks to do if you've lost power

If you are without power, follow the steps below to determine if it's a problem on the network before contacting us to report the power cut.

Step one

Check your trip switches. They can be found under the stairs, in the bathroom or usually in a utility cupboard at the front of your house.

I've checked step one

If your trip switches were pointing downward when your electricity went off, flick them back to an upward position. This could indicate a problem with your internal wiring such as a faulty appliance. You may need to contact a local electrician. If your trip switches are pointing upward whilst your electricity is off, check step two.

Step two

Check with your neighbours to see if their power is on and also check if the street lights are on.

I've checked step two

If your neighbours and street lights still have electricity, you may have a problem with your main fuse or you could be involved in a power cut. You can report the power cut by calling us direct.

Step three report a power cut

If you have completed the checks and you are still without power, you could be involved in a power cut and need to contact us to report it. Get in touch via social media on Facebook (Electricity North West) or Twitter (@ElectricityNW). Visit our power cuts page or call us direct on 105 to report a power cut.

Click to visit our power cut page