Why do they happen?

Why do planned power cuts happen?

We have planned power cuts so our engineers can safely work on the cables that provide power to your property. Temporarily interrupting your supply is the safest way for our engineers to work.

These are some of the reasons why planned power cuts happen

Maintaining and improving the network

To meet the needs of our customers, we replace, repair and invest in our network. Our investment work will support changing technologies and customers expanding energy needs in the future.

New connections to the network

We connect 6,000 new customers every year and sometimes need to turn the power power off to safely add new connections to the network.

Tree cutting

Our team of dedicated tree cutters and planners work hard to ensure we provide you with a safe and reliable electricity supply. Our skilled tree cutters carry out the essential works to reduce the risk of branches touching power lines.

Click to find out more about tree cutting

Tree cutting

Video about Tree cutting Video about Tree cutting (opens in popup)

Watch our tree cutting team on site to learn more about the work we do to continue to provide you with a safe and reliable electricity supply.