RetroMeter Alpha

RetroMeter Alpha project

This project will provide and demonstrate a consistent methodology to accurately measure the energy and cost savings of retrofit energy efficiency measures, unlocking pay-for-performance financing, increasing uptake and leading to reduced costs for consumers and additional flexible services for the DNO.

Electricity North West began delivery of this two-month project in April 2023 alongside partners Energy Systems CatapultEnergypro LtdCarbon Co-Op and Manchester City Council

The expected key outputs for the Alpha phase:

  • A Metered Energy Savings (MES) methodology that effectively addresses the problem statement and has the potential to realise new economic and social benefits from increased retrofit activity. 
  • Exploration and quantification of the viability of the income streams and other measureable outcomes relaised by the innovation that were identified in Discovery, synthesised into viable, replicable business models.
  • Detailed plan for Beta phase pilot activity.
  • Broadened stakeholder engagement and participation in the development of the innovation and policy influence and insight to support future sectoral adoption of the mature innovation.

For more information, please see the project registration page on ENA's Smarter Networks Portal.

All project learning from the Alpha phase can be found in the library below. 


Alpha library